Oyster Master Guild : Leveling Up & Certifying Oyster Service Professionals

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Kyle Gronostajski

IG: @kgronophoto

Location: Manahawkin, New Jersey

Certified: L2 - 4/30/24, L1 - 10/25/23

Current role: Environmental Director, Jetty Rock Foundation

Most meaningful oyster: First self shucked oyster

Favorite oyster to shuck: Laughing Gulls

Dream oyster destination: Japan

Proudest oyster accomplishments: Supporting OMG Scholarships through Jetty Rock and supporting as many oyster initiatives in as many places as possible. And becoming a proficient shucker because of my work.

Favorite thing about being an OMG member? Community & Knowledge - great group of people, some who I have met in person, some not yet but all sharing a passion for oysters and learning.